Food Safety Culture for Contract Packaging
We have all heard of the FSMA, FIFO, FEFO, and more recently SDS. Or have we?
Is your company practicing all of the above to the best of your ability?
Are you in compliance with federal and state regulations? Is your current contract packaging provider within the regulations?
If your looking at the beginning acronyms and scratching your head we can help. When using a contract packager you get all of the above at no cost. We have 3rd party auditors come into our facilities and conduct unannounced audits. The plants we run have properly trained people who understand the new guidelines of the food and drug administration. Not only do we take on food safety, but also focus on food defense. Looking at all the regulatory guidelines of operating a food plant is a daunting task. Partnering with a contract packager will allow you to be in compliance with those guidelines while keeping your products properly protected.
Lets talk about what a packaging partner means to you. Leave a comment below to get in on the discussion!
About Jarrod Dizazzo, Vice President
Vice President at Industrial Packaging I believe that the strength of one is shown by looking at those around them. We've got a wonderful team in SCS and coming to work for IP is a joy every day. When not in the plant, you can find me fishing, hiking, or being goofy around the house with my 2 daughters and my wife.