Nathan Dube

By: Nathan Dube on July 14th, 2021

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Why Product Samples Are Required For Contract Packaging

The Business of Packaging | Supply Chain Services/ Contract Packaging

All right, all right, all right! After months of deliberation, you have decided that contract packaging is the right solution for your company's supply chain needs! You have narrowed your search for a co-packer down to two or three vendors, and you are ready to enter into a contract packaging agreement.


After sending off an RFQ to your prospective vendors, you were hoping a few simple meetings would be all that was required to initiate the process.


Unfortunately, each of your prospective vendors has requested product samples from you and will not move the process forward until you have completed this task.


This was, for all intents and purposes, an unexpected request. You want to know why this needs to be done to move forward with your contract packaging dreams.


We understand your frustration. But, we also know that a client must send the chosen contract packaging vendor product samples to move the contract packaging process forward.


After several decades in the contract packaging industry, Industrial Packaging often gets the question "why do we need to send you product samples to start contract packaging"?


This article will explain why you will be required to send in product samples before you can begin a contract packaging agreement with your chosen co-packer.


After reading this article, you will better understand why this is a required element to starting the contract packaging process.


Why Do You Need To Provide Product Samples To Your Co-Packer To Begin Contract Packaging?


This question is pervasive among new prospects looking to partner with a contract packaging vendor. And, it happens at different stages of the buying process.


Some of our prospects ask this question at the very beginning of their search for a co-packer. Others ask shortly after confirming they would like to move forward with a contract packaging plan.


Regardless of the buying process stage, when they ask this question, it is clear they may be confused or even frustrated.


It often seems trivial for companies new to outsourcing their supply chain through a co-packer at first. But, a co-packer must receive product samples in advance of moving forward.


Why is that exactly? Well, there are various reasons why your co-packer will need this information before they begin outsourcing your supply chain.


Below, we will review these reasons so that you understand why product samples must be sent to your co-packer before they begin packaging your products.


packaged product sample


Reasons Why Product Samples Must Be Submitted For Contract Packaging


First and foremost, a contract packaging company will need samples of your products so that they can produce prototypes of the final packaged items.


This process is done to identify several packaging factors that will affect the total cost of your contract packaging plan. These factors include the following elements.


Identifying The Required Packaging Materials


Once you have provided product samples and explain how you would like your product to be packaged, your co-packer will identify the appropriate packaging materials for your project.


The cost per unit (cost per product packaged) will go up or down depending on the type of material required for your product packaging.


By packaging your product samples in the material best suited for your branding, aesthetic, product protection, and related variables, we can produce an estimated cost for your contract packaging needs. Next, we will add this variable to the cost of the other items contributing to the total cost of your project.


Identifying The Required Packaging Machinery


Once your co-packer has identified the proper packaging materials for your needs, they will identify the packaging machinery required to package your products in these materials. Depending on the necessary machinery, the final price of your contract packaging plan may go up or down.


quantity of packages


Identifying The Quantity Of Products Packaged


Once the proper materials and machinery have been identified, your co-packer will be able to produce samples of your products in their final format.


After this is completed, they will ask you how many products you want packaged. They will take this information, calculate the price per package, and add it to your final cost.


timeline for contract packaging


Identifying The Timeline For Completion Of Contract Packaging


Once your contract packaging partner has the total number of products you want to be packaged, they will ask you your timeline for completion.


Depending upon the volume of products packaged in the time-frame requested, your cost will go up or down. This will also impact the total cost of your contract packaging plan.



The Total Cost Of Your Contact Packaging Plan


All of the elements listed above play a roll in providing you with an exact cost for your contract packaging program. And, it all begins with you providing your co-packer with product samples.


The samples move through each dynamic listed above. And, in the end, your co-packer can give you a total cost for your contract packaging.


This is why you have to provide product samples to your chosen vendor. There is no way to give you even a ballpark price without them.


How To Choose A Contract Packaging Company


Now that you understand why product samples are required to initiate your contract packaging plan, you have everything you need to move forward with your contract packaging agreement.


Suppose you are currently at the beginning of your buying process and want to learn more about purchasing the right contract packaging plan. In that case, you will want to read this sister article, How To Choose A Contract Packaging Company: Top 5 Considerations.


On the other hand, if you are ready to move forward, you should have everything you need to proceed.


And, while we may or may not be a good fit for handling your contract packaging needs, we would be remiss not to mention that we may be the co-packer for you.


If you are interested in getting pricing information from Industrial Packaging, you may want to speak with one of our packaging experts.


They will be able to provide you with a quote for our cost for your contract packaging requirements. With this information, you can compare prices and services with the other vendors you have in mind. We can help you find the best co-packer for your company, even if that company is not ultimately us.


contract packaging CTA

About Nathan Dube

As the Digital Marketing Specialist at Industrial Packaging, I am honored to create content for such a phenomenal company and work with one of the greatest teams in the Packaging Industry. Whether creating a video, writing blog posts or generating other pieces of content and multimedia, I am always excited to help educate and inspire our prospects and clients to reach their highest potential in regards to their packaging processes and needs.