
The Flexible Packaging Blog

Reviews, trends, and tips covering all things flexible packaging to protect your products and your bottom line.

“Change and Challenge” Initiative

Change and Challenge is a UBE initiative led by committed individuals and organizations to project the benefits of flexible packaging along the entire food chain - from field to households. We are in active collaboration with NGOs, research institutions, environmental activists, major players, and brand owners across relevant industries. We aim to project the benefits of multilayer flexible packaging and the socio-economic, environmental, ethical, moral, and cost-saving benefits of reducing food waste/loss.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | Environment | The Business of Packaging | Packaging Design | Food Packaging

As we move into summer, one thing that appears to be on many consumer's minds is sustainability Millions of people in the food industry are trying to figure out how to make less of an impact on our planet earth. Which, all things considered, is a good idea. While the thought of heading to the cold, desolate, desert world of Mars may be appealing to some, most of us plan on staying here. And, if that is the case, we obviously want to take care of our home rather than trash and destroy it, right? But, when it comes to making less of an impact on the environment and taking actions that make a difference, what can the everyday consumer do? How can you be a good steward of planet earth while still enjoying a modern lifestyle that’s so dependent upon copious amounts of packaging materials? As someone who works in the food industry, you are also thinking about these things and figuring out how to make your products more earth-friendly. You are looking for a food packaging material that will make less of an impact on planet earth. By this point, you have probably learned that flexible packaging is one of the most sustainable packaging material choices on the market today. But you're not exactly sure what the benefits of flexible packaging for your food products are. Today, we are going to change all that. Industrial Packaging has been working with earth-friendly and sustainable, flexible packaging materials for decades. And we have helped countless companies just like yours switch to greener packaging supplies. That is why we have invited UBE Europe GmbH to write on behalf of Change & Challenge to discuss the sustainable and environmental benefits of flexible packaging for food retailers. This article will explore the top 5 benefits of choosing flexible packaging for your products regarding sustainability and their impact on the environment.