Reduce Machine Stretch Film Costs With Steelflex Nano
Are you looking to reduce your costs for machine stretch film? If so, switching to steelflex nano stretch film may be the right solution for you.
As inflation continues to be a problem while the global supply chain disruptions and the war in Ukraine push prices for practically everything upward, many companies are looking for new ways to cut costs.
When it comes to packaging, many businesses are looking for ways to save money on the packaging materials they buy. Many people are trying new packaging supplies, using less material, and downgauging their flexible packaging films.
And the same tactics are being employed by countless companies in relation to their stretch film applications. Thousands of businesses realize reduced stretch film costs by switching to a lower gauge of stretch film.
And while downgauging is one way to reduce your stretch film costs, new material formulations are paving the way for even better cost reductions.
If you are looking to source the thinnest machine film possible while cutting costs and maintaining the best load containment and strength available today, steelflex nano stretch film is a stretch wrap that you will want to consider implementing in your business.
Today, we will explore steelflex nano stretch film, explain what it is, review the benefits of switching to this material and go over the other features of the film.
What Is Steelflex Nano Stretch Film?
Steelflex nano stretch film is one of the thinnest and strongest machine stretch films on the market. This ultra-thin stretch wrap is a 55 layer film extruded on world class nano technology extruders.
The film can be used in place of thicker traditional stretch films while sustaining the necessary load containment and securing capabilities of the current films being used.
Want to learn more about stretch film?
Why Use Steelflex Nano Stretch Film?
Suppose you are a company that uses stretch wrap to safely palletize, secure, and contain your products. In that case, you are probably looking for ways to improve your wrapping applications while simultaneously trying to cut costs where possible.
One way to do this is to downgauge your stretch film. Downgauging stretch film is the practice of replacing your current stretch film with a lower gauge of film that is still strong enough to palletize your products.
As long as the lower gauge can properly contain your palleted products, you can save money by downgauging as a lower gauge of film uses less material which equates to a lower cost per load.
However, by switching to steelflex nano stretch film, you can take downgauging to another level. Steelflex nano is one of the thinnest stretch films on the market.
But, despite being extremely thin and using much less material to make, it can safely contain the loads you are currently wrapping with higher gauged films. The higher the gauge, the more weight per pallet, which results in added cost.
As such, you can reduce how much you are spending on stretch film by switching from your current stretch film to steelflex nano.
What Are The Benefits Of Steelflex Nano Stretch Film?
Cost reduction is one of the main benefits of switching to steelflex nano stretch film. But, this is only one of the benefits of using steelflex nano stretch film in place of the film that you are currently using.
Other benefits of using steelflex nano stretch film to properly contain, secure, and palletize your products also include the following elements:
- 55 layers of nano-extruded material - Unlike other thinner stretch film formulations, steelflex nano stretch film is made up of 55 layers of nano extruded material. This makes steelflex nano one of the strongest thinner stretch films on the market.
- Ultra-durable with excellent tear and puncture resistance - Not all thin stretch films are created equal. Where other lower gauged stretch films will fail to puncture and tearing, steelflex nano boasts superior resistance to tearing and puncture when compared to comparable film formulations.
- Lowest cost per load with max load containment - With steelflex nano, you will pay the lowest cost per wrapped pallet of products when going head to head with comparable stretch film alternatives.
- Quiet application - Steelflex nano does not produce as much of the highly annoying high-treble squeaking noises produced by many other stretch films on the market today.
- Sustainability - Made from 100% LLDPE plastic, this film is 100% recyclable. And, if you have enough volume of used or waste film, you can get paid to recycle it!
Where Can You Purchase Steelflex Nano Stretch Film?
After reading this article, you are probably excited about cutting stretch film costs while sustaining proper load containment by switching from your current machine stretch film to steelflex nano stretch film.
As such, you are probably also wondering where you can buy this stretch wrap. Steelflex nano stretch film made by Alliance Plastics is only available through packaging distribution partners of Alliance Plastics.
Industrial Packaging just so happens to be one of the packaging distributors offering this amazing stretch film. If you are interested in getting pricing for steelflex nano stretch film, please contact one of our packaging experts today.
They will be able to help you select the proper gauge, length, and width of steelflex nano stretch wrap for your product palletizing and securing needs.
About Nathan Dube
As the Digital Marketing Specialist at Industrial Packaging, I am honored to create content for such a phenomenal company and work with one of the greatest teams in the Packaging Industry. Whether creating a video, writing blog posts or generating other pieces of content and multimedia, I am always excited to help educate and inspire our prospects and clients to reach their highest potential in regards to their packaging processes and needs.