The Flexible Packaging Blog

Reviews, trends, and tips covering all things flexible packaging to protect your products and your bottom line.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Investment

By: Nathan Dube
February 25th, 2020

Hey there! Take a load off, stay awhile! It looks like you have been shopping for shrink wrap film all day, and I would guess that you probably need to sit back and reflect for a moment. You have been reviewing prices for a roll or multiple rolls of shrink film. And, while you have seen a different array of pricing from various vendors, you are not sure how these prices are calculated. You want to know how to do these calculations for yourself to figure out if you are getting the correct pricing for the rolls of film you want to buy. Industrial Packaging has provided thousands upon thousands of shrink wrap consultations to companies just like yours. So, when it comes to shrink film, we know how to calculate roll pricing and translate it into an easy-to-understand process. In the article below, we will help you understand the price of shrink wrap and show you how to calculate the cost of the film yourself.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | Environment | The Business of Packaging | Packaging Design

By: Nathan Dube
February 4th, 2020

Thanks to the 2018 farm bill signed by President Donald Trump, CBD rich industrial hemp is federally legal in all 50 states. As an agricultural crop, it has many potential uses from medicinal products to hemp-based paint, concrete, fiberboard, bio-fuels, bio-plastics, rope, and so many other applications. When it comes to packaging for whole flower hemp, stand up pouches have become the go-to choice for many industrial hemp farms and vendors. As a packaging distributor with over 67 years in the business, we here at Industrial Packaging are not surprised to see stand up pouches as a go-to choice for packaging hemp. Why are stand up pouches so prevalent for packaging industrial hemp flowers? In the article below, we will delve into the multi-billion dollar phenomenon of industrial hemp and explore why stand up pouches are so poplar for packaging this plant.

Blog Feature

Environment | The Business of Packaging | Packaging Design | Packaging Psychology

By: Nathan Dube
January 30th, 2020

Now that we have reached the future and are currently living in 2020, (What a time to be alive) environmental friendliness, sustainability and recycling are going to be a major focal point for brands and consumers alike. You’ve heard about the damage that plastics are causing in our oceans, but that’s not the full truth. Here at Industrial Packaging, we specialize in flexible packaging so we wanted to look at the facts to dispel a common myth. When it comes to packaging materials, flexible packaging supplies such as shrink film and stand up pouches are currently the most environmentally friendly materials for packaging your products. This, however, isn’t the long-term solution. We will go into more detail on that later. Yes, flexible packaging items are made of soft plastics. However, contrary to modern preconceptions and emotional reactions to this substrate, science proves that they are STILL the most environmentally friendly choice for packaging. This article will help to inform you of your packaging options and their impact on the environment

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Investment

By: Nathan Dube
January 28th, 2020

Here at Industrial Packaging, we have been selling shrink film for over 60 years. When it comes to answering the question "How much does a roll of printed shrink film cost?" We can honestly say... It depends! The total purchase price of a roll of printed shrink film can be affected by the length, gauge, size, colors of ink used and brand of film chosen. In the article below, we will take a look at the various elements that play into the total cost of a roll of printed shrink film and guide you to choosing the right film for your packaging machinery.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Packaging Psychology

By: Nathan Dube
January 23rd, 2020

When packaging invites you to interact with it, causing you to engage in activities like coloring, crushing, folding, listening, playing, reading, and etc., it pulls you into the brand and allows you to connect with the product in a way that traditional packaging supplies do not. These are the goals of interactive packaging. But what exactly is interactive packaging and how does it work? What are some examples of successful interactive packaging in the real world? In this post we will take a look at some excellent examples of interactive packaging and explore the hows and whys of this style of packaging.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Packaging Design | Packaging Psychology

By: Nathan Dube
January 16th, 2020

The future is here. Everyday, millions of people walk around with high powered tiny computers with glowing LCD screens in their pockets. We use these devices to catch a ride, buy food, prepay for movie tickets, find deals on everything under the sun and learn new things about our world. As this technology continues to evolve, we will see more and more packaging that we can interact with digitally. And while digital packaging is still a relatively new phenomenon, it will soon be prevalent everywhere. What is digital packaging exactly? Join me in the article below and we will explore this new exciting chapter in the history of the packaging industry.