The Flexible Packaging Blog

Reviews, trends, and tips covering all things flexible packaging to protect your products and your bottom line.

Blog Feature

Equipment | Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Plant Performance | Packaging Psychology

By: Nathan Dube
May 7th, 2020

So, you've looked into your local packaging suppliers, and you're unsure if they can support you based on your needs. But you are also worried that working with a distributor across the country will be a headache due to shipping distance and lack of immediate response. When it comes to choosing a vendor for packaging supplies, distributors are often selected because of their dynamic portfolio of product offerings in the packaging industry and their ability to provide large quantities of supplies. Unlike manufacturers, distributors are not beholden to only one or two brands of materials and machinery. As such, they can help you to choose the machinery and materials that are indeed the best solution for your needs. And while it is usually advised to choose a distributor local to your geographical location, there are benefits to working with one across North America. While we tout the benefits of local companies a lot, there are some times when you might not want to use one. In the article below, we will discuss the reasons you may want to work with a distributor across the country, rather than a local supplier.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Investment

By: Nathan Dube
May 5th, 2020

While shrink film is one of the most common packaging materials in the world, it is not always a good fit for specific products. Trying to force it to work in certain applications can lead to various problems headaches, and sometimes, safety issues. After decades in the industry, we here at Industrial Packaging know which applications are and are not correct for shrink film. In the article below, we will review several applications where shrink film is NOT a good fit. Shrink film is one of our highest grossing products, but we’re not trying to sell any of our products to customers who don’t need them. By learning more about the problems with shrink film, or when you shouldn’t use it, you’ll be able to make a well-informed decision about what packaging products are right for you. In the article below, we will review several issues that would make shrink film a bad fit for certain applications.

Blog Feature

Environment | The Business of Packaging | Packaging Design

By: Nathan Dube
April 21st, 2020

When it comes to packaging materials, the shocking truth is that plastics are STILL your most environmentally-friendly choice. Three independent studies, including one from the UK government, confirm this scientific truth. And while flexible packaging materials are your best earth-friendly choice, for the time being, the future holds many surprises and innovations. With that being said, you are probably wondering, how can plastics possibly be our most environmentally friendly choice at this time? We get this question a lot here at Industrial Packaging, and the answer comes down to the science of carbon emissions. Simply put, plastics have the lowest carbon footprints of the most commonly used packaging materials. Regardless of that fact, we have to ponder what materials will eventually replace plastic altogether? In the article below, we will investigate modern packaging materials, their environmental impact, and the future of packaging supplies.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Technical Service and Support | Packaging Psychology

By: Nathan Dube
April 2nd, 2020

There is an old saying here at Industrial Packaging and that is "shrink film is shrink film". This means despite marketing gimmicks by any given manufacturer, when all is said and done, shrink film is shrink film. The materials quality and cost is going to be pretty much the same (give or take a bit) across the board. If this is the case, why should you choose one vendor over another? In the article below, we will discuss the important elements of a materials vendor to consider when choosing a vendor.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Packaging Psychology

By: Nathan Dube
March 24th, 2020

Have you ever considered that the packaging of your product could create an emotional relationship with your customers? What about helping your customers have fun? Gamification pulls customers into interactive experiences with a product's packaging that often results in a more engaged relationship with a brand and it's products. But what exactly is gamification? How does it work? What applications does gamification have in the realm of packaging? In this article we will take a look at some examples of gamification, provide a solid definition of the practice and offer enlightenment on the use of gamification in modern packaging.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Food Packaging

By: Nathan Dube
March 19th, 2020

If you have products that require protection such as supplements and pharmaceuticals, tamper-evident packaging materials are a must-have for your business. From induction seals to shrink bands, there are many different types of tamper-evident packaging materials. Working with tamper-evident packaging materials and helping people to choose the right option for their products is a long-running tradition here at Industrial Packaging. We will take a look at the top six tamper-evident packaging materials and discuss the use, application, and benefits of each. Our goal with this article is to teach you about your options for tamper-evident packaging so that you can choose the right material for your products.