The Flexible Packaging Blog

Reviews, trends, and tips covering all things flexible packaging to protect your products and your bottom line.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | Packaging Design

By: Nathan Dube
November 19th, 2020

Have you ever bought a product, only to get home and find that opening the packaging is not only complicated, it is darn near impossible? Well, you are not alone! Wrap rage is a common reaction experienced by millions of people after buying a new product to enjoy only to find that the packaging is overly complicated to remove. At the end of the day, the customer ultimately ends up with a flustered sense of agitation. It is a surprisingly common phenomena despite the fact that many people have called upon companies to stop packaging their products in hard to remove materials. And yet, many companies continue to package their products in complicated packaging supplies that require scissors or more robust tools to open the package. In a world where the unboxing experience is considered a "make or break" element of the customer experience, this should not be the status quo. However, it is an on-going problem for many consumers to this day. With over 60 years in the packaging industry, we have plenty of experience helping companies optimize their packaging design process to protect and preserve their product, to entice the eyes of buyers, and yes, even to help negate wrap rage.

Blog Feature

Plant Performance

By: Dan Westerlind, Production Manager
November 17th, 2020

One problem a customer of ours was having recently was that their demand exceeded what we were able to produce on our production lines as they stood. The client is a snack food company, and we were having trouble keeping up with demand for packaging and distributing their products. The clients volume was already up over 20% for the year, so how would we be able to deliver? This may be a problem you have to face at some point in your business. To succeed and provide for your customer, there are some key areas to review to achieve the desired results. Here are four of the ways you can satisfy your customer demand with a cohesive, company-wide hands-on project.

Blog Feature


By: Nathan Dube
November 12th, 2020

If you like it, you should of put a ring stretch wrapper on it. Is that how the song goes? No? Well, all things considered, perhaps a ring stretch wrapper would make a better gift. At least, to your packaging line employees anyway. When it comes to wrapping items such as sheet goods (like plywood), roll goods (like carpet), windows, doors, furniture, and motors (among other things), a ring stretch wrapper is the envy of any packaging line. Ring stretch wrappers, also known as ring wrappers or LAN wrappers, are unique animals for the packaging applications for specialized or even oddly shaped items. In fact, if I had to guess, I am willing to bet that you probably found this article by google searching for a tool that would be good for packaging one or more of the items listed above. Or maybe something similar to those items. Maybe you are researching ring stretch wrappers because you are already considering buying one. Maybe you are just learning about ring stretch wrappers after looking online for the best packaging machinery for your products. Either way, you will most likely have a lot of questions about these machines before you go buying one (or at least, you should). Having helped thousands of people buy the right stretch wrapper for their needs, the team here at Industrial Packaging is uniquely positioned to help guide you through understanding these machines. In the article below, you’ll discover information about ring stretch wrappers as well as their common uses and applications.

Blog Feature


Perhaps you just bought a brand new stretch wrapper. Or, maybe you are currently shopping for one. Either way, my guess is, your company has asked you to evaluate the machine for its safety review. Even if it costs more, making the correct purchase will undoubtedly be less expensive than a workman compensation claim. Not only that, but a safe machine can save you a lot of time and money as well. There are a few safety hazards that you should be aware of when operating a stretch wrapping machine. From tripping hazards to inadequate load containment, there are several types of dangers that, when approached with care, can be avoided through the proper safety measures. Having sold thousands of stretch wrappers over the years, we at Industrial Packaging have been on-site for more than a few stretch wrapper installations and subsequent training operations. We know these machines inside and out. Most importantly, we know how to safely operate these machines. This article will explore some of the common safety hazards that go hand in hand with a stretch wrapping machine to help you understand how to negate and avoid injury by implementing the proper safety protocols.

Blog Feature

Equipment | Investment

By: Nathan Dube
November 5th, 2020

So you have decided to buy some packaging machinery. You have done your homework and sent out an RFP to at least three vendors. You have reviewed each of the proposals, met with a representative from each vendor, and negotiated with them. You’re finally at the point where you have chosen a vendor to buy from. You have the exact make and models that you want and have the additional options for each piece of machinery chosen. You are ready to cut a check or finance the equipment. So, you are now prepared to take the plunge and buy the machinery, plan your installation days, and move forward with the closing of the sale, right? Wrong. While you’ve done a monumental amount of work to get to this point and applied your due diligence, there is one thing that you are lacking. What exactly is this one item you have failed to consider as you stand on the precipice of this significant purchase for your company? Questions. Questions, that when answered correctly, could very well save you thousands of dollars and, in some cases, perhaps more. Industrial Packaging has been helping countless clients for decades in the process of not only buying the right packaging machinery and materials for their needs today, but also those needs of the future. A future that all too often comes with unexpected events, complex product changes, black swan events, and a host of other often unforeseen changes and challenges. This article will help you identify a list of questions that are often not even considered until it is too late. With this information added to your research, you will be fully and thoroughly prepared to make the correct buying decision. One of which will ensure your ability to evolve with the changes that the future will almost certainly bring.

Blog Feature

Packaging Materials | The Business of Packaging | Food Packaging

By: Nathan Dube
November 3rd, 2020

There have been many industries hit hard by the pandemic. "Non-essential" businesses of many kinds have had to shut down for weeks, sometimes months on end. And while various different types of businesses have taken a hit during 2020, the restaurant industry was hit particularly hard. Initially, many restaurants were completely shut down. Then various states began staged re-openings across the country. But restrictions and limitations were imposed on the already struggling restaurant industry as it attempted to regain some of the losses that they had accrued. Once back open, most eateries were limited to lower capacities based upon state laws. Even with re-opening opportunities, many dining institutions saw a dramatic decrease in attendance. And while this situation proved quite challenging for this section of the food industry, it was quite another story for others. For example, with many former patrons of restaurants choosing to stay home and cook rather than go out for a night on the town, many supermarkets experienced a massive boost to normal business. Necessities such as food and toiletries in particular flew off store shelves at a rapid pace. And while pre-made or serve-yourself items such as hot-food or salad bars were shut down, pre-packaged foods, particularly frozen foods, ultimately saw a huge boost in sales. This resulted in many supermarkets having to stock up more than usual in an effort to meet the demands of the supply chain. And the story was no different when the pandemic met HEB supermarkets. And while the HEB team was more than happy to work hard to meet the rising demand, they took notice of their fellow food industry professionals in the restaurant scene. And that is when HEB supermarkets stepped up to help out their fellow foodie friends and help them to make ends meet. In this article, we will explore this wonderful story about people helping people and how a kind gesture was able to help some restaurants to stay afloat while they battle COVID.